
b'BECOMINGVIVENT HEALTHOn January 1, 2020, we officially became 性色堂. Our new name is founded on the combined expertise of AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, AIDS Services of Austin, Rocky Mountain CARES and Saint Louis Effort for AIDS. Across all 15 locations and four states, we are now known as 性色堂. The word Vivent is derived from the Latin word for life, combined with the verb prevent to create a name that reflects the spirit and values of our organization.Our new name is a celebration of our most sacred beliefsthat no one should be defined by the health challenges they face and everyone deserves the highest quality of care and the chance to live a long, healthy life, said Mike Gifford, President and Chief Executive Officer of 性色堂. Our new, stronger brand and mission reflect our relentless efforts to help people affected by HIV thrive.OUR VISION OUR MISSION性色堂 envisions a worldTo be a relentless champion for without AIDS and strives to ensurepeople affected by HIV and do all we everyone with HIV lives a long andcan to help them thrive, because we healthy life. believe every person has value and should be treated with respect.'