
b'EXPANDING IN DENVER AND ST. LOUISIN ITS FIRST 2 MONTHS, THE ST. LOUIS FOOD PANTRY HAS ACHIEVED:218 CLIENTS340 ORDERS OFEach order contains food SERVED FOOD PROVIDED for 3-5 days.Food insecurity challenges people with HIV in profound and unique ways. To help ensure our patients have access to nutritious food - which is critical to health - we opened an onsite food pantry in St. Louis. Patients and clients have enjoyed the ability to shop the food pantry shelves themselves under our client choice model, rather than being given pre-selected food. Food pantry orders are based on family size to make sure other people at home with our patients have access to food.NEW DENVER TELEPSYCHIATRY PROGRAM REACHES:15 VISITS BY80 VISITS PER MONTHDECEMBER CURRENTLYMore than half of all people living with HIV will face mental health challenges in their lifetime. 性色堂 behavioral health programs provide access to counseling, psychology and psychiatry to help patients overcome mental health diagnoses. In Denver we expanded access to mental health care through a new telepsychiatry program in conjunction with the University of Colorado School of Medicine to help patients overcome transportation and distance as barriers to care.'