
b'ASSURING SUCCESS .The market culture at 性色堂 is the driving force behind ourSOURCE AND success. Champions, Access, Finance and Quality are the four pillars of our market culture. Our financial strength and acumen isUSE OF FUNDShelping us succeed amidst the challenges of the HIV and Covid-19 pandemics. We are responsible stewards of our resources and,For fiscal year ended August 31, 2019for the third year in a row, 92% of investment in 性色堂 goes directly to HIV prevention, care and treatment services. REVENUECHIEFFINANCIALOFFICERLocal, State & Federal Grants 14% OF THEDonations & Contributions 3% YEAR: Reimbursement Revenues 83%TIM DYER EXPENSESTim Dyer, Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer for 性色堂, was recognized as Chief Financial Officer of the Year by the Milwaukee Business Journal. Tims well-earned and richly deserved award is based on his excellence in leadership, outstanding financial skills, business expertise and his commitmentClient/Patient Care 87% to making our collective communities better. HisPrevention Services 5% tremendous work has also contributed substantially toAdministrative & Fundraising 8%our successful mergers in Madison, Denver, St. Louis and Austin, resulting in more people having access to quality health care. The full 性色堂 audited financial statement can be accessed at viventhealth.org/our-story.'