b'INTEGRATINGINCREASING HEALTH CARE ACCESS TO CAREEvery year we make it our goal to provide care to more patientsHEALTH CAREand clients impacted by HIV because we believe everyone should have access to the best comprehensive care and treatment.Medical Care Appointments 12,416Increasing access in communities across the country is somethingDental Care Appointments 4,633we pride ourselves in and will remain vigilant about until we reachBehavioral Health and Wellness Appointments 7,351the end of the HIV epidemic. Prescriptions Filled 145,9288,853 TOTALPATIENTS & CLIENTS SOCIAL SERVICES9 k Case Management Contacts 45,3518,853 Legal Cases 1,8868 k Food Pantry Meals Provided 458,022Overnights of Safe Housing 95,2317 k 7,1106 k5 k AGE GENDER4,9914 k 24 and younger 3%Male 80%2544 41% Female 18%3 k 3,646 4564 49% Transgender 2%65 and older 7%2 k RACE ETHNICITY1 k Black 42% Hispanic 11%White 50% Non-Hispanic 86%2016 2017 2018 2019 Other 8% Other 3%'