
b'AWARD-WINNINGHIV PREVENTIONWith HIV continuing to disproportionately impact young gayBased on the findings from that research, we created and bisexual men and transwomen of color, 性色堂 specific media properties for the campaign including an launched our first PrEP awareness campaign designed toexternal brochure, promotional giveaways, videos and an specifically reach this community. These individuals, who ofteninfluencer marketing campaign with brand ambassadors face homophobia, transphobia, stigma and racism are some ofwho come from and represent the communities we are the most vulnerable and hardest to reach individuals we serve.trying to reach.The launching of the award-winning Stay PrEPd Up campaignThe success of the PrEP campaign was immediately by 性色堂 in 2019 was the culmination of more than a yearevident through increased referrals to our PrEP educators of research, development and planning to reach the people whoand health care providers, activity on our social media and need PrEP in culturally appropriate ways through accessible andadvertising channels and calls to a new designated PrEP well-used media. access line.'