
b'LETTER FROMTHE CEOTHRIVINGWhile our country continues to face the significantAs we step boldly into 2021, we remain resolute in challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, its reckoningour mission to be a relentless champion for people with racial and social injustices, and deep divisions, ataffected by HIV and do all we can to help them 性色堂 we chart a different course forward. thrive no matter what is happening in the world.As we conclude 2020, your commitment to our life- Lets Make HIV History,saving mission provides immense hope and vast opportunity.Our hope comes to life in the great successes of the more than 10,000 patients and clients we are fortunateMichael J. Gifford to serve. Our journey together overcomes hungerPresident and Chief Executive Officer and homelessness, illness and isolation, poverty and prejudice. Our patients and clients are thriving, thanks to your support.Our hope comes to life in the best-in-class care we provide to our patients and clients.We see it in the health care and social services that allow our patientsOUR MISSIONto live long and healthy lives. Our nationally renowned HIV Medical Home means full access to medicalTo be a relentless champion for people affected by care and medications, dental care and mentalHIV and do all we can to help them thrive because health therapy, and services to overcome socialwe believe every person has value and should be determinants of health. Its through your support andtreated with respect.commitment that we are able to expand and enhance our services to make a difference in more lives and more communities. Our hope comes to life in communities acrossOUR VISIONAmerica.Strengthening our clinical care and social services in Wisconsin, Colorado and Missouri while性色堂 envisions a world without AIDS and expanding into Texas addresses significant unmetstrives to ensure everyone with HIV lives a long need.Our hope, to provide hope to everyone withand healthy life.HIV regardless of where they live in the country, comes true through your support. viventhealth.org 3'