
b'SOCIAL JUSTICE AND ADVOCACYHealth care is a fundamental human right. Together,2020 saw heightened awareness of the inequities that we must demand change from our leaders and workcontinue to shift and center our work. Many began to within our communities to ensure all people can thrive.open their eyes to the disparities already profoundly At 性色堂, we know change starts with ourfelt by people of color, but this awakening was just leadership, but that is just the beginning. We mustthe beginning of a long and challenging journey to serve the holistic, human needs of our patients awareness and true understanding. As a society, we meeting their basic needs of housing, hunger, andhave a lot of work to do.safety so they can focus on health and wellness. HIV continues to disproportionately impact AfricanMike Gifford, President and Chief Executive Officer Americans/Blacks, Latinos/as, Indigenous individualsof 性色堂, is one of only 300 CEOs nationwide and other disadvantaged communities. Becausewho has joined CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion, of inequality, racism, and discrimination within oura national coalition of business leaders committed to communities, the work toward equity is necessary andfurther collective action toward diversity, equity, and ongoing. inclusion.Our commitment to equity and overcoming disparities starts with ensuring services for all people living with HIV and working to overcome the stigma and racism that impact so many of the people we serve. It requires more than talk. It requires a complete dismantling of racism in our health care systems, our legal and law enforcement systems, and all other areas of society. It requires policy change, advocacy, and constant work for social justice and transformation.TOGETHER, WE MUST SEEK CHANGE FROM OUR LEADERS AND WORK WITHIN OUR COMMUNITIES TO ENSUREALL PEOPLE CAN THRIVE. 10'